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Key Issues from London Councils
Your weekly update of London local government issues

26 Jan 2022

New funding welcome but financial outlook remains far from rosy

Responding to the government’s consultation on the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement, London Councils welcomed the much-needed 4 per cent increase in London boroughs’ core spending power for 2022/23, but warned that it will not meet the growing pressures facing London boroughs.

Chair of London Councils, Cllr Georgia Gould, said: “As the capital emerges from the most recent wave of Covid-19 pandemic, boroughs continue to see an increase in demand on their services.

"While we welcome the government’s funding boost to councils, it doesn’t go far enough. Without proper financial support, boroughs will once again be forced to make difficult decisions about the future of frontline services that play such an important role in our communities.

“The government should be doing more to increase council resources and investing in the local services that are so important for getting us through this crisis.”

London Councils has also welcomed the government’s recommitment to delivering local government funding reforms and to engaging with the sector to deliver them.

Considering the scale of poverty and inequalities within the capital – which have widened during the pandemic – London Councils has reiterated the importance of accurately measuring deprivation and ensuring housing costs are reflected in the measures that will inform government funding decisions. Around 27 per cent of Londoners live in relative poverty after housing costs are taken into account, the highest figure of any region.

London and Net Zero

A new report published by the GLA has set out the scale of action required to move London towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Responding to the reportChair of London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee, Mayor Philip Glanville said: “London boroughs are playing an instrumental role in the fight against climate change and will be delighted to see this renewed commitment from GLA, which promises a future of ambitious joint working to make London a cleaner, greener capital for everyone.

“We look forward to working alongside the GLA on projects such as the pioneering work of the Retrofit London programme. This partnership working will shine a light on how we can collectively secure the benefits of achieving Net Zero through warmer homes, increasing sustainable green jobs, cleaner air and reductions in extreme weather, and particularly how we can maximise these benefits for the most vulnerable.

“Boroughs are also championing green jobs through our work with the GLA on the Green New Deal mission which will see increasing job opportunities in green sustainable sectors like homes and buildings, low carbon transport, power and green finance. These sectors will be vital in meeting Net Zero targets across London and providing essential jobs for a green recovery for the capital."

'Major incident' status no longer in action in London

Following the announcement last week that the Mayor of London is standing down the ‘major incident’ status in the capital, London Councils Chair Cllr Georgia Gould: said: “London’s communities have shown their amazing resilience and compassion throughout the latest Omicron wave of Covid. 

“The Mayor’s decision shows how far we have come in London in just a few weeks. But it’s not over yet. Case rates remain high, NHS and social care are still busy with Covid and winter pressures and there are Londoners that have not had all of their vaccinations.

“Boroughs will be working with the Mayor and other London partners to ensure we continue to bring Covid rates and hospitalisations down and working to support our communities.”

RBKC chief to step down this summer

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) Chief Executive Barry Quirk has announced his decision to step down from his position this summer.

In 2017 he agreed to temporarily leave his chief executive role at Lewisham, a post he had held since 1993, to take up the chief executive post at RBKC, a move that was subsequently made permanent.

In an exchange of letters with RBKC Leader Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, he said: “Leading the council’s overall efforts in the response and recovery to the 2017 Grenfell Tower tragedy has been the most humbling and difficult professional challenge of my 45-year career in London local government.

“I remain in awe of the dignity, humanity and positivity of the bereaved, survivors and residents affected. There is so much more we need to do to support each of them along their personal routes to recovery.”

In her reply, Cllr Campbell said: "You joined us in the immediate aftermath of the Grenfell tragedy, and you stayed to help support the recovery of the bereaved and survivors. Publilius Syrus once said, “anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm”, but you ensured that we stayed afloat in very stormy seas so we could continue to serve our residents and communities.

"I also know that I speak for all councillors and staff when I say that it has been a huge privilege and a great pleasure to have worked with you over the last four and a half years."

Keep London Safe

Wash your hands regularly to help stop the spread of Covid-19 and other winter viruses such a coughs, colds and flu #KeepLondonSafe

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London Councils fights for the best deal for our boroughs, develops policy and lobbies government on the issues
that matter for London. We also run pan-London services like Freedom Pass and Taxicard.
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