
If you voted for Chuck Grassley the first time he ran for office, you’d have to be at least 87-years-old. That’s how long Senator Chuck Grassley has been a politician.

And over his several-decades-long career, Grassley has taken millions of dollars in campaign contributions from corporate PACs and special interests. Wall Street, Big Pharma, insurance companies, the NRA… you name it, he’s taken their money.

Democrat Admiral Mike Franken is running against Chuck Grassley for Senate in Iowa, and the latest polling shows he can win: Just 27% of Iowa voters want to reelect Grassley this November!

But Mike’s not taking corporate PAC money. If he’s going to go up against Grassley and McConnell’s millions and win, he’s relying on grassroots donors like you to give instead.

We’re facing a critical fundraising deadline at midnight tonight, but right now, we’re still very short of our $15,000 goal and what Mike needs to win. If we’re going to hit our goal and turn Iowa blue, Mike is counting on you to give right now:

Please, can Mike Franken count on you to chip in $5, $25, or more now – every dollar you can afford before our midnight deadline – to help him defeat Chuck Grassley and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: