
In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to split a donation between my reelection campaign and my friend Jon Tester’s. But I hope you’ll take a minute to let me explain why your support matters so much, especially right now.

As you may know, my 2016 Senate election was one of the closest in history. I won by 1,017 votes and unseated a Republican incumbent in the most expensive Senate race New Hampshire had ever seen.

This time around, Mitch McConnell and his allies have spent over $7 million attacking me — more than any other Senate Democrat on the ballot next year. They’re backed by dark money, far-right billionaires, and super PACs with bottomless war chests. If we’re going to stand up to their attacks and win this race, it’s going to take an army of grassroots supporters.

That's why I’m reaching out to you today. We can’t match the Republican mega-donors and their million-dollar checks, but we can show the strength of our campaign with people like you chipping in $10 or more whenever you can.

Please, can you split $10 between my campaign and Jon’s today? The amount isn’t as important as the donation itself, and I could really use your support.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Jon Tester and Maggie Hassan will go through immediately:

I first got my start in public service as an advocate, helping ensure that children like my son Ben, who experiences severe disabilities, would be fully included in their communities and have the same opportunities that all parents want for their children. I ran for office to make a difference for as many people who needed my help as I could and to ensure all Americans have the opportunity to succeed.

I still remember the long night in 2017 when Senate Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and they failed by one vote. I realized that night that if it weren’t for 1,017 votes in New Hampshire, a Republican would have been in my seat — and millions of Americans would have lost their health care coverage.

That’s why I’m so grateful for grassroots supporters like you. Your support got us those 1,017 votes we needed to flip this seat in 2016. Your enthusiasm helped us flip the Senate and win the White House in 2020. And with you on our team, we are going to take on the tough fight ahead and keep New Hampshire’s Senate seat blue this November.

Thank you for being with me.

With every good wish,

Maggie Hassan