UPDATE: Progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros gains momentum after FBI raid on Cuellar's home and office.

The primary is in 3 weeks. Chip in $3 TODAY to Jessica Cisneros' campaign to unseat (corrupt/corporate) Dem Henry Cuellar.

CNN: The Federal Bureau of Investigation said in a statement that it conducted a 'court-authorized' search of the Texas home of Rep. Henry Cuellar, a moderate Democrat.

Jessica Cisneros is the bold progressive running to defeat Henry Cuellar. Voting starts in less than 3 weeks.

UPDATE FROM YAHOO! NEWS: "Following FBI raid and key endorsements, progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros gains momentum in Texas Democratic primary."

You may remember that last week the FBI raided the home and campaign headquarters of Rep. Henry Cuellar, the U.S. House incumbent who is one of the nine Democrats that fought for corporate interests and watered down the Build Back Better bill last summer.

This new reporting shows big momentum for bold progressive Jessica Cisneros going into the primary in this blue district. Unlike Cuellar, Jessica will fight for climate justice, Medicare for All, reproductive rights, and other progressive priorities.

Voting in this primary begins in just 3 weeks -- can you chip in $3 for 3 weeks to push Jessica Cisneros’ campaign over the top?

Cuellar can't be counted out by any stretch of the imagination. He has a long history of taking thousands from Big Oil and protecting corporate interests. Just last week, The Intercept reported "Rep. Henry Cuellar gets boost from dark-money group linked to abortion ban advocates."

Here's more of the update from Yahoo! News:

"According to a report from ABC News, the FBI raid was part of a far-reaching inquiry into ties between the country of Azerbaijan and American businesses. It's unclear if Cuellar is a target of the probe, but the grand jury handling the investigation has subpoenaed records related to him, his wife and at least one campaign staffer....

"Two years ago, then-26-year-old immigration attorney Jessica Cisneros challenged longtime incumbent Cuellar in Texas' 28th District. She lost by 4 points in a race that highlighted the divide in the Democratic caucus.

"Cisneros got the support of Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as well as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. Cuellar was supported by members of the Democratic establishment, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as organizations that typically back Republicans, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Koch brothers’ super-PAC....

"An eight-term congressman, Cuellar was the only Democrat to vote against a bill last fall that would have banned certain restrictions against abortion often implemented in Republican-controlled states....

"Jessica Cisneros supports Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and a revamped immigration system."

NBC News' Chuck Todd says this is "a very competitive primary. Probably the most competitive there is on the Democratic side." The impact of Jessica's progressive voice in Congress would be huge -- but she needs our help.

Please contribute $3 to Jessica Cisneros’ campaign for the 3 weeks leading up to her primary and help make her the progressive U.S. representative from TX-28.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. Want to meet Jessica Cisneros on Zoom? Jessica is our next PCCC Meet the Candidates guest! RSVP here to meet Jessica on Zoom Thursday, February 3 at 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific.



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