Airbus Helicopters & Parts Town talk how to deliver on rising customer expectations with an online marketplace
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As B2B buyers become more accustomed to the selection and convenience that's now standard in their personal shopping, they're becoming frustrated with B2B purchasing practices - and asking more of their suppliers. 


To deliver on these rising expectations, B2B businesses must reevaluate their eCommerce offerings, or risk forever losing their customers. 


In tomorrow's executive symposium, you'll hear how Airbus Helicopters and Parts Town are using the online marketplace model to offer their buyers what they truly want: a one-stop shop that drives growth by delivering the right products even faster.


In this live session, you'll learn: 

  • Key insights on how to effectively deliver a digital buying experience
  • Techniques for partnering with and empowering existing dealer networks 
  • How to manage range extension and grow market share, while reducing supply chain costs 
  • Tips for adapting traditional business models to meet buyers' expectations


Paul Louit

Head of Marketplace 

Emanuela Delgado

SVP of the Revolution 

Unable to attend? Register now and receive a link to the recording.

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