Dear John,

Congratulations! You've taken an important first step by learning about all five bystander intervention strategies: Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, and Direct.  

How do you feel? 



We think so! Now comes the hard part: actually doing it. I think we can agree that knowing when and how to effectively intervene as a bystander isn't always easy-- but it is necessary.

Our vision is to get this information into the hands of at least one million people over the next three years. We want bystander intervention to be the norm, not the exception. The next time you step up to intervene, we want to make sure someone else steps up right beside you. To solve a problem as big as harassment, we need each other.

To do this -- we need your support. The quickest way to intervene in ending harassment is to support the work that helps others intervene and to join Hollaback!'s Giving Collective!
When you join, you'll be a part of our special, dedicated group of supporters who provide us; LGBTQ+ folks; communities of color; women; and all marginalized groups with sustainability, support, and a future. 

For $5/month, we can print 25 pocket-sized bystander intervention guidebooks a month (that's 300 a year); for $25/month we can provide targeted training to someone who is deeply impacted by harassment -- i.e. LGBTQ+ folks; communities of color; women; and girls. 

Knowing you're someone we can count on is everything.

Can we count on you?


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