They are celebrating the lifting of all Covid related restrictions including masks, vaccine passports, and workplace restrictions.
Mask and Vaccine Freedom in Sight!
By Christine Reagan, ACT for America National Grassroots Director
Mask Freedom!
The UK celebrated FACE to FACE Monday on what will surely be called ‘MASK’S OFF DAY’! 
They are celebrating the lifting of all Covid related restrictions including masks, vaccine passports, and workplace restrictions. Citizens are now celebrating a return to ‘normal’; something we all feared would be impossible with the government and medical tyranny we have lived under since the Covid pandemic began. The health and science experts in England and Ireland followed the Omicron data and advised to lift restrictions, indicating that the imminent end to the Covid pandemic is in sight. 
Meanwhile, President Biden announced last week that he plans to spend our tax-payer money on mailing 400 million N95 masks to our homes and pharmacies. 
The Left has been counting on the ‘Psychology of Fear’ to prevent critical thinking or questioning, to propagandize and manipulate the masses! As the Supreme Court delivered major blows to the Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate Initiative, the power of the Left is hanging by a thread. Masking of America is the Left’s ‘Hail Mary’ attempt at holding onto power as they scramble to keep the Covid Pandemic narrative alive through the 2022 election cycle. 

Last week Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that as of TODAY face masks will no longer be mandatory anywhere in England! 
"Our scientists believe it is likely that the Omicron wave has now peaked nationally," Johnson said. The premier also expressed his expectation to lift the remaining Covid restrictions, including self-isolation for anyone who tests positive, before March when the order lapses automatically. 

Last week the Prime Minister Michael Martin ended what has been one of the longest and strictest set of coronavirus restrictions in Europe, with the end of lockdown declared “a good day”. He announced “the majority of public health measures” would be swept away! “Spring is coming, and I don’t know if I’ve ever looked forward to one as much as I’m looking to this one,” he added. “Humans are social beings and we Irish are more social than most.”

As of January 4th, Omicron made up 95% of reported Covid Cases across the US. Just as we saw in the UK, Omicron quickly overcame the Delta variant in a matter of weeks. On December 21st, America was already reporting Omicron cases reached 73% of the reported infections. 

In the UK, Covid restrictions had lifted within 4-6 weeks of Omicron’s first reported cases. When they hit the peak of 95%, they saw a rapid decline which prompted the lifting of restrictions. 


So why is Biden ordering masks to be sent to every home at the taxpayers’ expense at this stage of Omicron? 

Why are we ignoring the Health and Science communities abroad that have begun to lift mask and vaccine passport restrictions? 

It’s time to return to common sense. Those that are in a high-risk category will protect themselves and America needs to return to normal.

It’s time to Fire Fauci and end all Covid Related Restrictions!

It’s time for our President to celebrate with Americans and announce an end to Medical and Government Tyranny in the name of Covid.



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