Democracy Needs Us

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Hi John,

By now, you've heard the news that late last Wednesday night, Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema joined Senate Republicans to block a vote on the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.

Instead of listening to the demands of our communities and protecting our right to vote, they chose a last-ditch effort to protect the pale, stale, and male political establishment. Their actions cannot be forgiven or forgotten.

At NALAF, we will continue to hold our elected leaders accountable, but we also know nothing will fundamentally change unless we build political power.

In the upcoming months, we will have the opportunity to elect more progressive New American and BIPOC leaders to defend our right to vote at local and state levels. But we can’t do this alone. We need your support to help build a bigger bench of lasting, progressive New American leaders who will stand with our communities, not work against them. 

Contribute $5 or any amount you can to help fund NALAF’s upcoming work to help us support even more progressive New American candidates this year. 

In solidarity,

Basi Alonso
Political Director
New American Leaders Action Fund, New American Leaders

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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