Empowering families with common sense policies

Tim Alexander For Congress

John —

Over the past year, we have seen some major improvements. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan which was signed into law by President Biden, the Child Tax Credit was expanded and working families with children are seeing positive results. However, there is more work to be done. 

The status quo has failed too many American’s. By not having paid family leave, some American workers are forced to decide between raising a child or working. This difficult decision unfairly targets women.

Here in America, we value families. Following through on that sentiment means finally implementing paid-family leave so that Mothers and Fathers can have the time to take care of their children at home, while securing their jobs which provide food, medical benefits, and other necessities to raise a child. We also need to pass Build Back Better once and for all. Build Back Better will guarantee the extension of the child tax credit through 2022 and possibly beyond so we can continue to help working families. It’s long overdue and I know we are ready to make this positive change for a more perfect Union.

When I go to congress, these bills will be my first priotity. I promise to support all working families and any initatives designed to assist working parents.

Thanks for your support, 

Tim Alexander


Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
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