Our had has hit more than 130k swing voters in Ohio. Help us reach even more.

Hi John,

We just wrapped up two weeks of running our ad against Max Miller in Ohio, and we’ve received a tremendous response. In a district that was last won by just about 8,000 votes, our ad has had over 135,000 impressions, highly targeted at the swing voters who will decide that election. We’re making a huge impact and we need your help to continue the momentum. Will you make a contribution now to help us keep the ad running

The people of Ohio deserve better than Max Miller, and we’re ringing the alarm bells for voters in his district. Your contribution today helps us make sure he’s never in Congress.

Thank you in advance,

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Miles Taylor, Executive Director
Date: Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 11:39 AM
Subject: Help keep radicals from the halls of Congress

Dear John,

Did you catch my conversation with Yasmin Vossoughian on MSNBC the other day? We talked about Renew America Movement organizing against extremist, Trump-backed candidates. Today, I’m excited to show you the beginning of those efforts - a new ad campaign we are running against former Trump aide and radical Ohio congressional candidate Max Miller. Check it out below:

Let me be perfectly clear - I know Max Miller and I know how dangerous he would be in Congress. The people of Ohio deserve better than an abusive, dishonest, and reckless candidate to represent them in the hallowed halls of Congress. But to ensure Max Miller never holds office, we need your help. Can you chip in today to help us place this ad in Miller’s district? 

Every $25 donated helps us reach an additional 5,000 residents in Ohio’s 13th district. Help us reach as many people as possible by making a contribution today. Max Miller should not be in Congress and we need your help in ensuring it doesn’t happen.

Miles Taylor




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