How is the Biden era working for you so far?

Fellow American,

We’re a year into full Democrat control of both Congress and the White House and America is facing countless crises. We want to know from you: what issue do you think is most important to address?
    ❌ Bare shelves
    ❌ COVID mandates
    ❌ Soaring gas prices
    ❌ Inflation
    ❌ Crime
    ❌ Supply chain issues
    ❌ Russian aggression

Has Joe Biden done ANYTHING right? The Democrats continue to prove they are unfit for leadership – they create crisis after crisis and do NOTHING to fix them. Take the Border Crisis for example: under President Trump, America had one of the most secure borders in history. On Biden’s first day in office, he began to reverse that.

What about our staggeringly high gas prices? Under Republican leadership, we had low prices at the pump and were energy efficient. In Biden’s first week in office, he cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, imposed a moratorium on federal lands production, and left many Americans hurting from soaring gas prices.

What’s the Democrats answer to rising crime and violence? Defund the police.

Under the radical-Left’s control – America is far worse off. We must start implementing commonsense solutions to Democrats’ many crises and get our nation back on track!

That’s why I’m coming to you today, Fellow American – which of the Democrats crises do you think is most important to solve first?

We have a broken system and weak leadership on our hands, but we can change all this soon! I look forward to hearing from you.

For America,
Mike Johnson

P.S. – Democrats are soaring past Republicans in fundraising despite broken campaign promises, out-of-control inflation, and record high crime. We must take back control of the House in November, and course correct our nation. Please, Fellow American, don’t let Nancy Pelosi win again.

Mike is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as a constitutional law attorney who has devoted his life and career to fighting for the fundamental freedoms and traditional values that have always been a priority to the people of Louisiana.


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