From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: To boost the economy and the midterm outlook, Democrats must pass a clean energy bill
Date January 25, 2022 2:45 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

** PPI's Paul Bledsoe: To boost economy and midterm outlook, Democrats must pass clean energy bill

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Congressional Democrats are getting restless, and who can blame them. Despite a major infrastructure legislation becoming law last November, the Biden administration’s economic agenda is now stalled — even after a year of painfully public negotiations over the president’s Build Back Better plan. Centrist Democrats now realize that months of infighting has dominated headlines, creating its own major political problem.

“We really kind of need to reset at this point,” says ([link removed]) Rep. Cheri Bustos ([link removed]) (D-Ill.), who represents a rural Illinois district that swung to Donald Trump ([link removed]) in 2020. “I hope we focus on what we can get done and then focus like crazy on selling it.”

“What I don’t want to do is have the Democratic caucus just beat their heads against the wall for months. We need a timeline here [to pass major legislation],” says ([link removed]) Rep. Susan Wild ([link removed]) (D-Pa.), who kept her seat by less than four points in 2020.

In short, Democrats need to stop squabbling and produce a legislative and economic win — now.

by Paul Bledsoe, PPI
Strategic Advisor
for The Hill ([link removed])
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** Don't Miss These PPI Events:

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If COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere, policymakers need sustainable policies that help us combat the pathogen and coexist with it. So how do we balance the tradeoffs between combating the spread of COVID-19 and letting normal life resume?

Join Rep. Lori Trahan (D-Mass.), Leana S. Wen, MD, MSc, and other experts TODAY at 1:00 P.M. ET to discuss the future of COVID-19 and public health policy.

TODAY: Register for today's event here ([link removed]) !

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Join PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools to celebrate National School Choice Week on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 3:00 P.M.

RAS will present a webinar and debut the first video in a series that features voices rarely heard in school choice debates: teachers! Join us for an engaging conversation about what teachers want and need to remain in the classroom, and how working in a mission-aligned school makes a big difference.

RSVP here ([link removed]) .
Hot Off the Press

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"This week the Department of Labor announced a record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in November, underscoring that the Big Quit is still in full swing. But one employer—the federal government—has avoided the current wave of resignations and retirements. That, however, is about to change."
⮕ Forbes ([link removed])

Reason: Bipartisan 'Innovation and Choice Online Act' Would Harm Innovation and Choice ([link removed])

"In a statement released this week, the center-left Progressive Policy Institute argued that the AICOA 'could do irreparable harm to the services and products millions of Americans rely on every day.' Further, the bill would lead to 'reduced innovation' as companies are forced to "obtain regulatory pre-approval with every new product."
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Bloomberg Law: Scaled Down Spending Bill to Leave Leftovers Hunting New Paths ([link removed])

“'If they’ve moved towards where it needs to go, and it’s a few things done well, I think that bodes very well for BBB,' said Ben Ritz, a policy director for the Progressive Policy Institute, referring to a scaled-back package that focuses on funding fewer programs for a longer amount of time."
⮕ Bloomberg Law ([link removed])
New from PPI's Ed Gresser:

As Congress debates renewal of “GSP” – the Generalized System of Preferences, the U.S.’ largest trade and development program, which waives tariffs on 3500 products for 119 low- and middle-income countries, and requires periodic reauthorization – it is right to take a new look at an old program and update old eligibility rules; but it should also be careful to avoid adding too many new ones, and balance them with fresh looks at old product restrictions, explains a new paper from Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) Vice President and Director of Trade and Global Markets Ed Gresser.

“It is fair to ask governments of countries whose businesses and workers receive duty-free benefits to meet basic requirements, and some of the proposed new criteria are good ideas,” writes Ed Gresser. “But overly long lists of new criteria are likely to create confusion as U.S. policy priorities clash, and could force wholesale expulsion of poorer countries whose capacity to implement policy is lower than that of middle-income countries. This latter risk is particularly troubling.”

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Trade, The Poor, and "America is Back": A Friendly Critique of Congress' GSP Renewal Bills, with Some Ideas on Improving Them ([link removed])
By PPI's Ed Gresser ([link removed])
Vice President and Director of Trade and Global Markets
New from the Experts

NEW REPORT from PPI's Ed Gresser:
Trade, The Poor, and "America is Back": A Friendly Critique of Congress' GSP Renewal Bills, with Some Ideas on Improving Them
⮕ PPI ([link removed])

PPI's Malena Dailey: Last Minute Changes to Klobuchar's Anti-Tech Bill Do Nothing to Ease Harms to Consumers
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PPI's Aaron White: PPI Statement on Senate Judiciary Committee's Advancement of Klobuchar-Grassley Anti-Tech Antitrust Bills
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ICYMI: PPI's Dr. Michael Mandel: The Truth About Digital Inflation and the American Consumer
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Monday, February 28 – Wednesday, March 2, 2022 ([link removed])

** Applications are open for the
Mosaic Economic Project's next Women
Changing Policy workshop!
Who should apply? Our workshop will best serve women who are experts in the fields of economics, finance, or technology and are well established in their careers. You should be eager to grow your public profile with the goal of positively impacting the policy landscape.

What you’ll gain: By participating in the 2.5-day workshop, you’ll learn how to brand and market yourself as an expert in your field. You’ll gain helpful tools for talking to the media, and you’ll get an inside look at engaging with elected officials on important policy issues.
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ICYMI – PPI's Jack Karsten and Michael Mandel break down new research on the threats facing American innovation, and discuss how antitrust legislation in Congress would devastate American technological leadership and innovation.

What's going on with the tech antitrust bill being debated in the Senate? PPI's Michael Mandel and Malena Dailey join the show to discuss tech platforms, the consumer welfare standard, and all things antitrust. Does Big Tech need to be more regulated, and if so, how? Are other industries more deserving of antitrust enforcement?

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