No images? Click here Dear John, Have you ever noticed "Product of the U.S.A." on a label of beef in the grocery store? Would it surprise you to learn that the animal it came from may have been raised and processed in Brazil or New Zealand? Knowing where your food comes from is a fundamental right. Because of clear labels, you can choose to buy apples from New England or Mexico, and you can know if your tomatoes were grown in California or in Canada. That’s not true with beef. For decades, multinational meatpackers have exploited American ranchers and fooled eaters. Shockingly, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) currently allows importers to label beef products from other countries “Product of the U.S.A.” when the imported beef is merely unwrapped and rewrapped in the United States. For people who buy their meat directly from local farmers, this may not seem like a big deal – after all, you know where your meat comes from, far better than any label could ever tell you! The American Beef Labeling Act (S.2716), sponsored by senators from both political parties, will reinstate Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (M-COOL) for beef. It guarantees that eaters would know where their beef was born, raised, slaughtered, and processed. It also helps create a level playing field for American ranchers by helping them get a fair price. |