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FILM: With Babies and Banners (with filmmaker Lyn Goldfarb)
FILM/BOOK/TALK: Confessions of A Union Buster
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Friday, January 28; 12:15 - 1:30p ET
Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives Brown Bag series
FILM: With Babies and Banners (with filmmaker Lyn Goldfarb)
Thursday, January 27, 7p
FREE (online screening); [link removed] RSVP here.
This Oscar-nominated documentary tells the dramatic story of the women of the great General Motors sit-down strike--an event that changed American labor history. The women reunited 40 years later to show the strike's ongoing relevance.
1979, 45min
"Full of drama, insight and general good humor, coupled with a remarkable use of stock footage, sets a high standard for future compilation films. With Babies and Banners succeeds in making concerns that were alive 40 years ago strikingly relevant today as well."
- Variety
CLUW president - and [link removed] Labor Goes to the Movies podcast co-host - Elise Bryant will host a Q&A afterwards with Lyn Goldfarb.
FILM/BOOK/TALK: Confessions of A Union Buster
Tuesday, February 8, 7p ET
FREE; [link removed] RSVP here.
Short film program and Q&A with legendary union organizer Bob Muehlenkamp, author of the forward for Confessions of a Union Buster: New Activist Edition (2022).
Union Busting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (11/15/2021, 23m)
John Oliver discusses the mechanics of union busting, why the companies who do it face so few consequences, and what it really means when your manager wants to talk to you about "your attendance."
Alice's Egg Plant (1925, 8m)
Walt Disney directed this short in which chickens at an egg factory are organized to strike for shorter hours and smaller eggs by Little Red Henski from Moscow, Russia, and the bosses have to come up with a clever way to extract more eggs from the striking chickens.
Busted: how unions are stopped before they start - a call to action (7m)
LaborLab is creating a feature film about how companies stop unions before they start with manipulative tactics. The best way to stop this is to expose how this really works by sharing our stories. This short video is just one story and a call to action for others to share theirs.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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