Hi John,

Our work to expose Tommy Robinson’s sham bankruptcy is underway, thanks to the support of over 6,190 HOPE not hate supporters. The more money we crowdfund, the more resources we have to build the case against Robinson and make sure he’s held to account. That’s why I was excited to get this email from a well-off supporter late last night:

Nick --

Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while, you know how it is. I wanted to write about your Tommy crowdfunder. 

It’s been great to follow the progress over the last few days, and I wanted to make an offer: for the next three days, I will match every pound supporters give, up to £10,000. 

I want to be part of this huge push - and I hope that doubling the donations you get from supporters will help you build the case against Robinson so we can ‘make him pay up’, as you’ve been saying.

Let me know what you think.

Needless to say, I wrote back immediately to say yes!

So here’s your chance to double your donation. If you donate £10, it’ll add £20 to our crowdfunder, £25 is worth £50, £50 is worth £100.

Double my donation now

Can't donate right now? Please share the campaign on social media to encourage your friends and family to chip in while their donations will be doubled.

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The campaign is going brilliantly. The team are working flat out, and I’ve never looked forward to an update from accountants this much before! The evidence is coming together: with your support we can make the case against Robinson watertight.

Thanks for being part of this,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate