Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End update.
Congress was out of session this week. As Tuesday was Election Day
across Pennsylvania, I would like to congratulate all of the statewide
and local Republican candidates who won. With the current climate, it
is critical we elected constitutional conservative candidates to
office at every level.
We had meetings with constituents and interest groups throughout
the week, and we would like to highlight some of the events we
On Monday, we attended the swearing-in ceremony for our new
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner (PUC) Ralph Yanora. Ralph is
the Founder and CEO of Pennsylvania Water Specialties Company and has
been in the gas and water distribution industry for over forty years.
The PUC oversees public utility and services operations around the
Commonwealth, in sectors including water, energy, telecommunications
and transportation. This an important job and I know Ralph will be of
great value to the Board. Below is a picture of Ralph, accompanied by
his family, being sworn in by former Supreme Court Justice Correale

On Wednesday, I addressed the Association of Independent Mortgage
Experts and provided them with an update on hot topics in Washington.
We also discussed issues important related to the housing industry,
including the National Flood Insurance Program and the Export-Import
Bank reauthorization. Later, I spoke at the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Greater Philadelphia Community Event. I
discussed my recent trip to Israel and expressed the importance of our
nation maintaining a strong relationship with Israel.

On Thursday, I appeared on WLBR with Laura LeBeau in Lebanon. I
always enjoy sitting down with Laura and we had a spirited discussion
about the most pressing issues in Washington.
After our interview, we attended the Lebanon VA Veteran’s Ceremony.
The Lebanon County VA provides excellent care for our area’s veterans.
I was proud to address the audience and thank all of the veterans for
the sacrifices they made to defend our country and the freedoms we are
provided. They are special people and deserve our thanks.

Later, I taped a segment on CBS-21’s Face the State program with
Rob Hanrahan which will air on Sunday at 8:30am. We addressed the
current impeachment sham that is being undertaken in D.C. and my
recent visits to Pennsylvania with the President and Vice
On Friday, we hosted a roundtable regarding Opportunity Zones and
Financial Services at Lebanon Valley College. Click
here to read a report from WHTM regarding our event. This was an
opportunity to discuss the great financial benefits and opportunities
available in areas designated by the Federal government as Opportunity
Zones. Our District has many of these locations, including in the city
of Lebanon. We must take advantage of these opportunities to improve
our communities, create jobs and grow businesses. I want to thank our
panelists and speakers for attending. I also want to thank Lebanon
Valley College for hosting us on their campus.
Later, I attended the Wilkes Barre Veteran’s Day Ceremony at the VA
Medical Center in Wilkes Barre. Tomorrow, I will be attending the
Carbon County Veteran’s Day Parade in Lehighton.
In News You Won’t Hear In the Mainstream
Media: There are actual, real problems that the
American people want Washington to address. And today, only one party
is even trying to fix them.

The left’s obsession with
trying to derail President Donald J. Trump has only
intensified. But the President and the Republican Party has still
managed to deliver results. Less than 3 years after Election Day 2016,
our record on the policies that matter most speaks for itself:
- The United States Military is stronger than it’s ever
- America’s unemployment rate today is near a half-century
- Medicare is being protected for seniors, not robbed to pay
everyone else.
- ISIS’ territorial caliphate is decimated, and their horrible,
violent leader is dead.
- Historic criminal justice reform is giving more citizens a second
- Our troops are coming home, not fighting endless wars around the
That’s just the short list. And
no matter how hard Democrats and their media allies fight to remake
America into a socialist state, President Trump and conservatives will
fight even harder to protect the American way of life for
Thanks and Happy Veteran's Day,