PFAW Member, One of Trump’s worst judicial nominees yet, Steven Menashi, was just voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on a straight party-line vote. What’s worse, Judiciary Committee Chair – and infamous Trump lackey – Lindsey Graham rammed Menashi through committee right on the heels of a New York Times report that, when he was serving as Sec. Betsy DeVos’s right-hand man at the Dept. of Education, Menashi helped construct an elaborate and ILLEGAL scheme to deny debt relief for thousands of students swindled by a for-profit college! The full Senate is set to vote on Menashi’s confirmation next week and we’re pulling out all the stops until then to defeat him on the Senate floor – including a rapid response video highlighting his role in the student debt scandal! But we need to raise another Menashi, currently a White House lawyer, was handpicked by Trump as a nominee to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the court that just recently delivered a blow to Trump's attempt to shield his tax records from criminal investigations taking place in New York. It’s no wonder that Trump wants a far-right hack like Menashi on the court overseeing a jurisdiction so important to the president’s own personal interests. But U.S. senators have no business playing along with Trump’s nomination of such an unfit nominee. Menashi has a deeply troubling record on LGBTQ+ equality, women's rights, the rights of lower-income families, immigrant rights, and respect for the Muslim community. Menashi has worked alongside White House aide Stephen Miller to advance the Trump administration’s xenophobic and racist immigration policies. And, in his time at the Department of Education, he worked to advance the harmful policies of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, presumably including regulations that make it more difficult for survivors of sexual assault to make a report their experiences. This is a nominee that we can stop … or, at least, can make it so we’re set up to hold Republican senators who vote for him accountable – particularly those senators who are up for re-election. Please give what you can right away to STOP Steven Menashi>> Thank you for everything you do! -- Zach and the whole PFAW team ![]()