Friend, we’ve all watched as Trump has relaunched his Big Lie pressure campaign in the run up to the 2022 midterms, but last week a damning report has unveiled just how corrupt that pressure campaign has become behind closed doors.

In the shadows of our democratic elections, Michael Flynn has been using his CIA intelligence gathering abilities to overthrow American democracy.

Michael Flynn and his allies in the Patriot Caucus have been collecting damaging intelligence on elected leaders in Pennsylvania, and using that information to coerce them into supporting 2020 election audits. So far we know that they have targeted Senator Pat Toomey and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, but who knows whether blackmail victims in Arizona, Georgia, and Trump’s other audit states will be revealed, or whether the campaign is still ongoing.

What can we do about it? Hold them 147 accountable! Donate to our Congressional Victory Fund today to send the insurrection a message: In order to win elections you have to believe in democracy.


-Operation 147



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