Dear John,

Thanks to your unflinching support, the Trump presidency marked a major milestone this week.

In less than three years, President Trump has reshaped the federal judiciary for generations to come.  

Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, he has made a historic number of lifetime appointments to the federal bench, including one in four circuit court judges.

✅  2 Supreme Court justices
✅  45 judges federal appellate courts
✅  112 judges federal district courts
✅  ….and counting!

As former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I steered most of these nominations through the confirmation process and am proud to stand with the president to commemorate this signature achievement.

At an event at the White House this week, the president said our party has a lot of great warriors fighting for America and invited me to say a few words about our historic achievement. I said the American people ought to be complimented for supporting a president who kept his word. He campaigned on a platform and he stands on that platform. Watch why the president said I’m fierce.

Iowa Nice runs deep. We also have a fierce backbone when our way of life is at stake. We’ve got more work to do and more judicial vacancies to fill.

With only one year until the 2020 elections, we need all hands on deck to keep the Senate Republican Majority and re-elect President Trump.

Keep in touch,

Chuck Grassley
United States Senator
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