Super News
From Your FAIRtax Store
2 New
Educational Products
#1 - Updated Palm Cards
We have deleted reference to the Senate bill on the front and back.
Also, on the back, the bottom has been modified to reflect current web and
social media sites.
You will know you are using the most current palm card by the
code FTNAT0719 on the back bottom, right corner of the card.
#2 - New LARGER Sized FAIRtax Yard Signs
[Just in time for the 2020 political season]
This is the first FAIRtax yard sign reflecting our current logo.
Also, the size has increased to 24” x 18” (from 24” x 12”) to
compete directly with political candidate signs.
See below how this new yard sign stands out compared to our previous
These new yard signs are available with or without wires, in quantities of
5, 10, or 15 units,
with a 50% discount, plus free S&H.
Also, with each yard sign order,
you will receive Free 200 new palm
cards & 250 business cards with the latest pre-bate info.
If you want yard signs in larger quantities, please contact us by
Clicking Here to email
the Store or call 386-736-1342.
Store contact info is located on the Store home page, left side, at the
bottom under
“Contact Us”.