
Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think about the insurrection at our Capitol on January 6th. The lawless chaos, the violent destruction, the incitement by Donald Trump and his allies. That day was the culmination of a four-year march towards authoritarianism — and four years of silence from just about every elected Republican in a position to do something about it.

We have to redouble our efforts to defend democracy. But how? New Politics is an organization dedicated to doing just that. They’re recruiting new servant leaders who will put country first to run for office, and they’re breaking down barriers to help them win.

Invest in revitalizing democracy by splitting a contribution of $28 or whatever you can afford between our campaign and New Politics today.

I’ve seen firsthand the powerful impact New Politics has on an upstart campaign because they supported me when I ran for office. In the Marines, I learned values like leadership, duty, and teamwork, but the world of politics was foreign to me. New Politics helped me learn to tell my story and manage a campaign. They focus specifically on recruiting military veterans and national service alumni who have demonstrated a commitment to serving our country and help them serve again through politics.

January 6th and the associated attempts to overturn our election results have revealed a gaping wound in our politics that must be addressed. We urgently need to elect leaders across the country who understand that public service is about doing right by your constituents, not serving the interests of your party or the ego of a single man.

Help revitalize our democracy by supporting the work New Politics is doing to elect servant leaders. Split a contribution between them and our campaign today.

Thank you,
