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Health Jusice

Our monthly Health Justice newsletter celebrates the arrival of our new magazine issue by inviting readers into some of the plentiful, transformative realms of health justice that unfold throughout its pages. First, Cyndi Suarez introduces the issue by situating its themes within NPQ’s visions for the future of this deeply intersectional field. Our initial feature dives into the worlds—historical, scientific, spiritual—of psychedelic and plant medicines as therapeutic keys to transcending dominant social paradigms: patriarchy, capitalism, supremacist ideologies. We then take a close look at how scaling the US healthcare system—currently a source of private profit for the few and financial ruin for the many—into a public service would render it available, accessible, and abundant for all. Finally, we envision a better future by learning from Black LGBTQ+/SGL communities about the manifold dimensions of thriving.

Hardship is not the only story. Scarcity is not the only solution.

Welcome Note: Winter 2021 Magazine on Health Justice

NPQ’s Editor in Chief, Cyndi Suarez, introduces our new magazine issue on health justice. From social psychiatry, urban policy, and African American youth activism to Tribal whole-health care, trauma-informed care, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy—the range of inquiry at the heart of this collection is both unusually broad and deep. Read more…
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Psychedelic and Plant Medicines: A Portal to Transformative Realms of Possibility by Kasey Crown

Psychedelic and plant medicines—some of which have been used for thousands of years to transform consciousness—may be a viable tool to awaken us from illusions keeping us stuck in the patriarchal, capitalist, supremacist paradigms that currently govern our experience of life on this planet. Read more…
Prepare your Board for Success
Mobilizing Your Nonprofit Board is an online executive program from Harvard offering board members and executives both time-tested and innovative yet practical approaches for building a better board.
Learn more here.

Healthcare as a Public Service: Redesigning U.S. Healthcare with Health and Equity at the Center

As the US healthcare system comes close to collapse, the need for transformation is obvious. Scaling healthcare into a public service would turn this source of private profit, mass suffering, and financial ruin into an abundant resource accessible to all.Read more…
Boost Your Nonprofit Management Skills — Free!
Whether you’re a team leader, new to the nonprofit sector, or a board member, Nonprofit Management Essentials provides free, on-demand programs to fit your schedule. 
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Dimensions of Thriving: Learning from Black LGBTQ+/SGL Moments, Spaces, and Practices

We must believe that thriving is what we deserve and we have to imagine it into existence. The Bridge to Thriving urges us to envision and remake our relationships with one another and our world—because the world we need doesn’t yet exist. Read more...
The LiveTiles Global Employee Experience Pulse Check 2021
We asked 7100 office and frontline workers about the current state of the global workplace. See how organizations connect the dots in recruiting & retaining talent with tools that reach across different generations & empower their work.
Download the survey report here.
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