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Biden Makes It Easier For STEM Professionals
To Get OPT, Work Visas & Green Cards

On January 21, 2022, the Biden Administration announced a number of reforms to benefit the U.S. economy by making it easier for foreign-born STEM professionals to work using OPT, J-1 and O-1A temporary work visas. In addition, the reforms would increase their ability to qualify for green cards under the national interest waiver program.

For too long, our outmoded immigration system has rejected some of the most highly-talented and educated people in the world by failing to update what it means to be a STEM professional, turning away over 100,000 college graduates each year under the H-1B lottery and making it difficult for them to get green cards.

In a report released earlier this year, the National Science Board reported that international students on temporary visas account for over 50% of U.S. doctoral degrees in economics, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics and statistics.

For decades, the United States has led the world in the number of science and engineering doctorates awarded. However, China is closing the gap.  Even now, it has surpassed the U.S. in the number of students majoring in science and engineering.

A Georgetown University study estimates that China will graduate over 75,000 students with STEM degrees in 2025 while the U.S. will graduate only 40,000.

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Optional Practical Training for STEM Professionals

ICE has added the following to the list of fields for determining who is eligible for a STEM OPT work permit: Bioenergy; Forestry, General; Forest Resources Production and Man
agement; Human Centered Technology Design; Cloud Computing; Anthrozoology; Climate Science; Earth Systems Science; Economics and Computer Science; Environmental Geosciences; Geobiology; Geography and Environmental Studies; Mathematical Economics; Mathematics and Atmospheric/Oceanic Science; Data Science, General; Data Analytics, General; Business Analytics; Data Visualization; Financial Analytics; Data Analytics, Other; Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Social Sciences, Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods.

New fields may be added to the list in the future.
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