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During the pandemic, relief efforts led to historically low interest rates. NCRC just published a new report on mortgage lending data from 2020, and who reaped the benefits of historically low rates. 

Join us on Wednesday, January 26 at 1 pm ET to hear from the authors of the report, and dig into where mortgage capital flowed as the pandemic was ravaging the economy.

Register now

Plus see how new HMDA (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) data from the CFPB will allow us to look at home mortgage lending in new ways moving forward.

Speakers include:

  • Jamie Buell, Racial Economic Equity Coordinator, NCRC
  • Joshua Devine, Director of Racial Economic Equity, NCRC
  • Jason Richardson, Director of Research and Evaluation, NCRC

Register now to make sure you don’t miss this important discussion. 


Press release: NCRC Welcomes OCC Final Rule to Rescind its Disastrous 2020 CRA Rule
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