It's unlikely that I can average 60 signatures per day for the next 17 days, so we'll have to come up with a little money to make up the difference in the filing fee. You can help by either printing out the signature form (on one double-sided paper) and mailing your signature to me or by donating a few dollars to help make up the difference. You can even do both if you're so inclined. Send me a message for my address or donate below.
If you're on the left, chances are good that you see the immigration system as racist, the policing system as racist and killing Arabs to take their oil as racist. If those are true, and Mike Thompson supports all of that, then we can only come to one conclusion- Mike Thompson is a racist. He's happy to make symbolic speeches about ending racism or tributes to Dr. King on MLK Day, talk about climate change while supporting military expansionism or gaslight you about democracy while never speaking out against super delegates, but in the end the policy he supports is racism.
The United States has thousands of troops in Ukraine already and has been funding and training neo-Nazi militia groups since 2014, as well as holding military exercises just off Russia's coast. Now Canada is sending special forces and the United Kingdom is sending anti-tank weapons. Even Spain has sent warships into the Black Sea and is considering sending planes as well. All done while the governments of these countries, which have been propagandizing against Russia for six years now, are telling their people about Russian invasions of Ukraine that aren't happening. Maybe you can figure out why Russia would be getting nervous. We are being told that Russia is the aggressor, yet that is clearly not the case.

Looking for a good spot to collect signatures this morning, I ran into Jose and Misty. They want you to know that DesCor Builders do not require their subcontractors to be unionized or even to pay standard wages and benefits. This hurts our community by funneling wealth that should be going to locals into the pockets of out-of-town executives.

Please contact Brad DesJardin, President & CEO of DesCor Inc and let him know how you feel about his anti-worker policy.

Brad DesJardin
[email protected]
3164 Gold Camp Dr Suite 250
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

We all know about the graves of the hundreds of Native children who died of abuse in Canada.
PM Justin Trudeau, however, tried to explain it away by saying that the abuse happened in the past.
Well, this happened in November 2021. Native Canadians were told to leave their ancestral lands so an oil pipeline could be built.
*They refused.*
So the Royal Canadian Mounted Police came with chainsaws and tore down their settlement. Without showing any warrants for arrest.
What happened to human rights and freedom?
You probably haven't even heard of this incident. Because it happened in Canada.
But could you imagine the coverage it would get if it were the Chinese police instead of the RCMP, and Uyghurs instead of Native Canadians?
Video is three minutes long.
While this is not Malaysia nor Xinjiang, China, this should not happen anywhere in the world.
Of all the places this happened, Canada. And in winter.
Shame on Western democracy, western values or what it used to be.
So, this is interesting. For all the talk of hospitals being overcrowded, no one has mentioned that the number of hospital beds has continuously gone down since the 1970s. Why would that be, when we have gone through a number of outbreaks and bad flu seasons? They KNOW overcrowding is going to occur, but cut costs on beds because hospitals are run by investors, not medical professionals. If it were up to nurses I'll wager we'd never be short of beds. Just another glaring reason that we need to remove the profit motive from medical care by passing Medicare For All.
We've posted about sanctions being siege warfare and a crime against humanity a number of times. Joe Biden promised to end the war against Afghanistan, but that was not the truth. The truth is that he withdrew the troops and converted the war into economic warfare. US sanctions have left 23 million Afghans struggling with an acute food shortage, including 9 million Afghans on the verge of starvation. This is the new face of warfare, starving the poor. Shame on the Biden Administration!
Covid vaccines reduce your symptoms or possibly prevent death if you contract Covid, however mandating them does not make vaccinated people any safer. On Thursday, the NVUSD voted to mandate vaccines for all employees, after reducing the time we had to comment and then disregarding all comments and claiming to be "listening to scientists". The truth is they are listening to partisan media pundits whose salaries are paid, in part, by Pfizer, and SELECTED scientists. Here are my comments, which were ignored:
"Let me start by saying that I am fully vaccinated. I believe in science. However I do not believe in taking away people's rights to make their own healthcare decisions without very serious justification.
I understand the fear of Covid. I am over 50, overweight and have emphysema. But our fear is not justification enough.
Omicron is less sever than previous strains, according to WHO Head Dr. Gabreyesus, and if you are vaccinated, you should be fine. The vaccines are no longer preventing the transmission or infection of the virus, according CDC head Dr Rochelle Walensky. Even Pfizer CEO Al Bourla has said that the vaccines "very limited protection, if any" against the Omicron variant (which is 97% of US cases now).
So you're talking about taking away workers' livelihoods if they don't comply with getting a vaccine that isn't going to prevent them from spreading it and probably isn't going to prevent them from getting Covid, based on an irrational fear (and fear IS irrational) of a variant that is only going to present like a cold or a flu, as long as YOU are vaccinated.
Someone else being vaccinated isn't going to change anything. This is very anti-workerto threaten to take away people's livelihoods in order to coerce them into conforming. If the vaccines were more effective, or if Omicron were NOT less severe, there might be a justification. But there is not. This is an attack on workers' rights and should not stand! It will not make any vaccinated person safer. To protect yourself, get vaccinated. That's all you can do.
You can't force people to eat right. You can't force people to take vitamin d. And you can't force people to take a vaccine that does not prevent transmission, even if it will lessen their symptoms and may save their life. It's THEIR choice."
Copyright © 2022 Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018, All rights reserved.
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