It was another busy week in Tallahassee, but the undisputed highlight was getting home for the weekend for pirates, football, and to break some ground fixing the damn roads! 


First, closing 301 and Bloomingdale for a few weeks as we fix the roads is going to be painful. I was worried the FDOT signage wouldn't be enough, so I sent a text to everyone in the district to let them know to avoid the intersection. Here's what we put out:



We followed-up with Facebook videosupdates from the construction zone, and detailed phasing plans and detour maps. We're doing everything we can to get the word out and let folks know how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is helping and your support is helping us do it. THANK YOU!!!



I had a great meeting with BayCare's Behavioral Health team as we work through an update to juvenile Baker Acts. We're working to help more folks access the mental healthcare they need, when they need it, without stigmas or creating more harm. 



I also got a chance to sit down with the Florida Coalition Alliance to talk substance abuse. The vast majority of folks recovery, heal, and go onto live prosperous and productive lives. I'm doing everything I can to help.



It was great to see the America Legion at the Capitol. We fought together before, and as Veteran's we're standing together for America, now and always!



Lastly, nothing is more fun thank talking to students who are learning the process! USF's Student Government was here fighting for Bright Future's scholarships and university funding overall. But, I BLEED Green and Gold and got some serious street cred for my stories for being AT Auburn when we beat them at home, and the game we beat WVU to be #2 in the nation. I'm a huge advocate for USF now and always!



It was another busy week with committee meetings. I helped pass a bill by Rep. Tant that will help children with developmental delays access services longer instead of aging-out at age five. I also helped increase recruitment, pay, and other benefits for law enforcement officers as well as  provide care for retired law enforcement dogs, and one to increase training  to fight against human trafficking.


The biggest bill and one of the most controversial bills that was heard was the Republican's newest abortion ban. Unfortunately, that bill passed its first committee in a party-line vote. To voice your oppostion of the bill you can do so here.


Ok, off to bed. Big week ahead!!!