Good evening and welcome to our Weekend Update.
This week, we have surpassed the Biden administration’s one-year
anniversary in office. And the numbers don’t lie; his administration
has been a disaster for hardworking American families.
There are six million Americans unemployed, with ten million
unfilled jobs. Biden’s policies incentivize American workers to stay
on the sideline rather than join the workforce. Unfilled jobs,
inflation, empty grocery store shelves, high gas prices, food prices
out-of-control… American families are paying more directly due to the
horrific policies of the Biden administration.
Here is the report card:
- Highest inflation in 40 years
- Low workforce participation
- Border crisis
- Emboldened our adversaries
- Afghanistan withdrawal disaster
- Weak Covid response
- Attempt to federalize elections
- Big government, budget-busting spending bills
- Made us dependent on foreign energy sources again
If you were grading Joe Biden and the Democrats, you would have to
give them an F.

This week, I joined Newsmax’s “Wake Up America” to discuss
Joe Biden’s first year in office and his recent press conference.
Biden did a lot of explaining and blaming and gave us no real answers
on the countless issues facing our nation. Biden promised to unite our
country, but he has done everything in his power to divide us. Click
here or below to watch the interview.

Candidate Joe Biden promised to shut down the virus. But,
unfortunately, that promise has not come to fruition.

Biden’s approval rating on Covid-19 is 16
points underwater for good reason:
Biden’s campaign was based on the false promise he was going to get
rid of Covid. The Biden administration has been all talk and little
action with regard to Covid. In fact, many of the positive things that
have advanced in the fight against Covid were developed and came to
fruition under the Trump administration.
This week, I had the honor of meeting with Lt. General John Jensen,
Director of the National Guard. We had a discussion regarding the
importance of the National Guard in Pennsylvania and across the
country. They serve our communities at home and abroad, and we are
thankful for their service to our country. The 9th District
is home to Ft. Indiantown Gap, often ranked as one of the largest and
busiest national guard training centers. We are so appreciative of the
service of our military heroes past and present.

On Friday, I met with constituents who attended the annual March
for Life in Washington, D.C. As a member of Congress, I will
always vote to protect the rights of the unborn.

As I stated last week, I am 100% committed to helping the
Republican Party win back control of the U.S. House. It is critically
important to the future of our nation. We can no longer allow Joe
Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the extreme left to push our nation
down the wrong path behind a failed agenda.
Like many of you, I am eager to see the results of the
redistricting process. My continued hope is that the 9th District will
stay intact so that we can continue to build on the foundation we have
laid. We have established great working relationships with our local
communities, schools, hospitals, Pennsylvania's National Guard, small
businesses, community organizations, and most importantly, the great
families of the 9th District. We have more to do, and I remain hopeful
that we will continue to work on important projects in these
communities today, next year, and the year after that.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you soon,