Donate today to prohibit HCMs

Two years ago, just before the coronavirus upended life as we know it, gunfire erupted in a busy corridor in downtown Seattle during the evening rush hour. Tanya Jackson was killed and seven other people, including a 9-year-old boy, were wounded. Hundreds more had their sense of safety forever shattered.

The shooter purchased a high-capacity magazine just hours before opening fire. He was prohibited from purchasing a gun, but could legally and easily buy the high-capacity magazine he used to shoot eight people and terrorize countless others.

High-capacity magazines have NO place in our communities, John. We are fighting right now to pass legislation to prohibit these lethal accessories and reduce the scope of gun violence. Can you give $22 today to fuel this lifesaving effort?

We often talk about the role high-capacity magazines play in mass shootings. That’s for good reason—ALL of the deadliest mass shootings in the last decade have involved high-capacity magazines.

But high-capacity magazines also fuel mass shootings like the one in downtown Seattle two years ago that don’t capture national attention. And they fuel everyday shootings that never make the news but that leave families grieving and communities shattered just the same.

We know that keeping high-capacity magazines out of our communities will save lives. But we’re up against an organized and well-funded opposition that is doing everything in its power to stop this evidence-based policy from being passed. We can’t beat them without your support. Please, donate today to help prohibit high-capacity magazines and keep our communities safe.

With gratitude,
Dylan (he/him)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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