From Ned Lamont <[email protected]>
Subject I’m asking for your feedback today
Date January 22, 2022 7:01 PM
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John, I’m so proud of what we have been able to achieve in Connecticut working with our Democratic House and Senate majorities.

Connecticut passed the most robust paid family and medical leave law in the country, raised our minimum wage to $15 an hour, and last year we supported working families by increasing the earned income tax credit, made historic investments in workforce training, and continued to grow our economy while leading the strongest pandemic response in the nation.

Now, I’m counting on all of the Democratic volunteers and organizers we have in Connecticut to help us continue this progress.

Will you take this quick survey from the Connecticut Democratic Party to help make that happen? Your feedback will help us build a plan to win for this year: [[link removed]]

ANSWER HERE [[link removed]]

While Democrats have been busy getting things done, Republican attacks on voting rights and women’s rights have amplified across the country.

We must be prepared with the resources to defend what we’ve accomplished and continue pushing forward.

The Connecticut Democratic Party worked tirelessly last year to mobilize Democrats across the state. Answer their survey to help them continue that work in this critical year for American democracy: [[link removed]]

ANSWER HERE [[link removed]]

Thank you for sharing your feedback, John!

— Governor Ned Lamont
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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