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Living with COVID
in the New Year and Beyond

featuring Rep. Lori Trahan, Dr. Leana Wen, and more!
JANUARY 25th; 1:00PM ET

Join the Progressive Policy Institute for a webinar event, bringing together experts in public health as we discuss the future of the COVID-19 pandemic and how to adapt for the long-term.

Even before the emergence of the omicron variant, it was clear that Covid-19 is here to stay. Unfortunately, if you log on to Twitter, it seems like we are having the same fights from May 2020. If Covid-19 isn’t going anywhere: policymakers need sustainable policies that help us combat the pathogen and coexist with it. So how do we balance the tradeoffs between combating the spread of Covid-19 and letting normal life resume? How do businesses, employers, families, and individuals respond to a deluge of changing public health guidance and a minefield of conflicting information?

WHEN: Tuesday, January 25; 1:00-2:00pm ET; Zoom

Rep. Lori Trahan (D-MA), U.S. House of Representatives
Leana S. Wen, MD, MSc, Research Professor of Health Policy and Management, Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University
Rekha Lakshmanan, Director of Advocacy and Policy, The Immunization Partnership; Contributing Expert, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy
Emily Gee, Vice President and Coordinator for Health Policy at the Center for American Progress 

RSVP Here.

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