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Dear Friend,

America is heading in the wrong direction. Prices are rising, regulation is becoming more burdensome, and the federal government is overbearing.
Worse, a generation of young Americans is being taught to despise their own country.  Patriotism is treated with contempt by our cultural elites, while Critical Race Theory risks tearing this great nation apart.
Things might seem bad, but they don’t have to stay this way. If we act now, we can put America back on the right path.
Again and again, when things go wrong in America, it is the states that provide us with the right answers. Washington DC might make a mess, but it is states like Mississippi that can show us how to fix things.
That is why we published the Freedom Agenda 2022 – a set of 12 reforms that we believe will not only improve our state but will serve as an example of the kind of change that America needs.
Here is an update on how this reform agenda is advancing here in Mississippi during the 2022 legislative session:

  • Tackling red tape:  If America had been regulated back then the way we are today, I wonder if the Wright brothers would have got permission to fly the Kitty Hawk? Excessive red tape is robbing America of the entrepreneurial spirit that has made this country such a success. Nowhere is red tape more burdensome than right here in Mississippi.

Thankfully, Secretary of State Michel Watson this week launched a new initiative to try to tackle the red tape, which we are supporting.

Douglas Carswell w/ SOS Watson at the launch of Tackle the Tape, this week.
I am also thrilled to see Senator Kevin Blackwell’s bill (SB2162) propose a new red tape reduction scheme, a bill to remove Certificate of Need red tape, and a bill to allow so-called "sandbox" innovation.
  • Combating Critical Race Theory: We published a report on CRT, and I am delighted to now see that Senator McLendon’s bill was approved by the Senate. Similar bills have been prepared in the House, and there is a real chance that we might tackle this divisive ideology head-on.
  • Education Improvement: If Mississippi is to prosper, we need a public education system that educates young Mississippians to a sufficient standard. The best way to achieve that is to allow moms and dads school choice. I am pleased that open enrollment is now on the agenda and that there is a bill to cap the administration costs of school board bureaucracy so that more money goes into the classroom.

Also of interest is Rep Chris Brown’s HB 874, which would ensure that we funded students, not systems, here in Mississippi. As you can see, this bill has our official stamp of approval!
If you would like to watch in real time as the Freedom Agenda advances, please use our special Legislative Tracker site, designed to help you see what your lawmakers do under the dome!
If we can implement this agenda here in Mississippi, we won’t just improve the lives of those living in our state. We will help show how lower taxes, less regulation and an appreciation of America’s founding ideals can give this country back its sense of confidence.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell, President & CEO


SuperTalk MS -
Douglas Carswell, MS Freedom Agenda

SuperTalk MS -
Certificate of Need Laws Needs to Go

Time to cut the red tape and unleash Mississippi businesses - Great conversation w/ Secretary Watson!

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