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AEI's weekly digest of top commentary and scholarship on the issues that matter most


The president's press conference was a missed opportunity

Saturday, January 22, 2021  

President Joe Biden's press conference marking the first anniversary of his presidency was an opportunity to assure the country that he understood the challenges facing everyday Americans. As Matthew Continetti puts it, "The country — not to mention the president — could use a reset." Unfortunately, Continetti explains that "to watch Biden at the lectern was to experience shock and dismay interspersed with moments of alarm and dark humor." Although the president promised to make superficial changes, he did not offer the kind of substantive rethinking that is necessary to turn his presidency, and the country, in a new direction.


Hal Brands argues in Foreign Affairs that America has become an "overstretched superpower." As threats from Russia and China mount, he thinks it's clear that the "relentless diplomacy" adopted by the Biden administration is not sufficient to protect American interests and credibility around the world. The US, Brands says, can do "more with less" by reevaluating its capacity to wage two wars at once.


Mark Jamison raises concerns about antitrust legislation being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee. He warns of wide-ranging consequences for the economy and consumers if the bill passes, including higher prices and weakened cybersecurity. Moreover, although these bills are intended to increase competition, they may end up reducing it.


Kyle Pomerleau identifies two new business tax hikes that will take effect this year and increase the burden on new investment. The results of provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, these tax increases might be delayed by upcoming legislative action, but they still underscore the need for business tax reforms that don't deter innovation.


William J. Haun addresses a religious liberty case currently before the Supreme Court, regarding the city of Boston's decision to deny a group's request to fly a flag with a cross over City Hall. Haun explains that the case boils down to the simple question of whether religion belongs in public life. "Denying or concealing the religious traditions of America's communities distorts who we are, where our rights come from, and how we understand ourselves," Haun writes. 


Diana Schaub joined AEI's "Banter" podcast to discuss her new book, "His Greatest Speeches: How Lincoln Moved the Nation" (St. Martin's Press, 2021). "Lincoln is an invaluable resource in showing how to think about the [founders] and the degree and the way in which they can be vindicated," says Schaub.



Buckhead, Atlanta, and the future of urban governance

Howard Husock examines the practical consequences of the movement to separate the affluent Buckhead section of Atlanta from the larger city government. He starts by looking at the expenses a newly created city would have to bear. While he warns that the costs passed onto the new city of Buckhead would be high, they wouldn't overwhelm its prospective budget. However, the costs are significant enough to chasten the aspirations of neighborhood secession movements spreading throughout the country.

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