On Tuesday, October 29, former Fed Chair Janet Yellen spoke at EPI as part of a panel discussion on “Changing Thinking in Economics and Changing the Profile of Economists.” The event was part of EPI’s Women in Economics Forum series. The panelists explored evolving thinking on key issues in economic policymaking—with a keen focus how increased diversity has brought change in economics—and ways the field could be more welcoming for women and people of color. Yellen was joined by Nina Banks, associate professor of economics at Bucknell University; Kayla Jones of the Sadie Collective; and Washington Post economics correspondent Heather Long. Watch the video »
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Janet Yellen speaks at EPI
On November 5, Capital & Main launched “United States of Inequality,” a yearlong series that will run through Election Day 2020. EPI is proud to partner with Capital & Main to determine inequality measures in key states. Even with low unemployment and robust job growth, a majority of Americans face high levels of economic insecurity. The Capital &Main series will examine how tens of millions of Americans increasingly struggle to make ends meet and how this reality may affect the 2020 presidential elections. Sign up for Capital & Main’s newsletter to follow the series. Read more about the series »
Season 1 of The State of Working America podcast continues its exploration of trends affecting workers with Episode 3, featuring EPI Policy Director Heidi Shierholz. Shierholz explains how labor laws have been used to curb workers’ power in the labor market and discusses new legislation aimed at restoring some of that power. In Episode 4, host Pedro da Costa talks with Mickey Ray Williams, a Firestone plant worker in Gadsden, Alabama, and Robert Scott, EPI’s director of trade and manufacturing policy research, about the actions and policy decisions that have hurt manufacturing in America. Subscribe to the podcast »
Lee was described in the University of Michigan’s alumni magazine as a “gladiator in trade and labor policy,” in a feature discussing her career as an economist and leading international trade expert. In the article, Lee spoke to the need for diversity in economics: “Gender, race, and even economic privilege are important issues in terms of how we look at the world as economists. It’s important for the policy debate to have a diversity of backgrounds as well as a diversity of views.” | In the Arena »
EPI economist Monique Morrissey blogged about retirement policy on the American Society on Aging website. “The U.S. retirement system is flawed and inadequate,” wrote Morrissey. “Social Security should be expanded, while ensuring that employers contribute to simple, affordable plans like Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRA).” | Policy Solutions for the Retirement Crisis
Capital & Main cited a recent EPI report on the anti-worker policies of the Trump National Labor Relations Board and talked with EPI’s Heidi Shierholz about how Trump administration policies have exacerbated income inequality in America. The administration has “sold out the American middle class…[prioritizing the] interests of corporate executives and shareholders over those of workers,” said Shierholz. | Trump Boasts of Economic Growth as Inequality Deepens
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What does Janet Yellen say about changing thinking in economics?