If you and I don’t speak out now, millions of Americans could lose their voice in our democracy.

Friend, if you and I don’t speak out now, millions of Americans could lose their voice in our democracy.

That’s because right now, vote-suppressing politicians have nearly free rein to pass dangerous, discriminatory, anti-voter laws.

Purging legitimate voter registrations... strict voter ID requirements… cuts to polling hours and early voting... they’re using every dirty trick in the book to silence us.

Here’s how we stop them: the Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4). This bill would restore the vital national protections against voter discrimination that we lost when the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013.

And, it’d proactively stop politicians from rigging our elections and targeting voters -- by requiring states that have a history of voter suppression to pass independent, federal review before they can change their voting rules.

Here’s the best part -- even under Mitch McConnell’s Senate blockade, voting rights reform isn’t necessarily dead on arrival. The Voting Rights Act has been renewed five times by bipartisan congressional majorities and signed into law by Republican presidents each time, most recently in 2006.

And, Common Cause has secured commitments from multiple leading presidential candidates to sign legislation that would restore the Voting Rights Act’s protections.

It won’t be easy, but nothing worth fighting for ever is. Brave Americans marched, fought, and bled for the original Voting Rights Act of 1965 -- and now, it’s our generation’s turn to speak up for what’s right.

That’s why Common Cause has made passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act one of our top priorities. Already, we’ve helped rally 225 congressional co-sponsors, a House majority, in support of this important bill. And with your help, we’ll turn up the pressure on Senate Republicans -- some of whom have signed onto this bill in previous years -- to finally do what’s right.

The only way this bill passes is if every member of Congress feels the heat -- and knows that you and I won’t let politicians silence us any longer. That means stepping up our grassroots organizing, packing town hall meetings, mobilizing more of our neighbors -- and putting lawmakers on notice that they don’t deserve our votes if they won’t fight for our rights.

We simply can’t abandon our right to vote to partisan politicians. So, if you agree that every eligible American deserves a say in our nation’s future, I hope you’ll chip in.





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Generations of Americans fought and died for our right to vote, the freedom to choose our leaders, and the right to speak up for our beliefs. And when politicians try to rig the system and restrict a person's vote, they’re taking away that freedom.

We must ensure that every eligible citizen has the freedom to vote -- and that their vote will be accurately counted.

Thanks for all you do,

Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause

Common Cause
805 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx

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