John – Staci McElyea, a Nevada election worker, received four calls from a tormentor on the morning that President Biden’s win was certified. Each time, the man told her she was “going to die.” [1]
Staci’s story is horrific, but unfortunately, it’s not uncommon. When Donald Trump started spewing lies about the 2020 election being “stolen” from him, some of his supporters took him seriously – and launched a barrage of violent threats against election workers, vilifying them for simply doing their jobs.
But even after these horrific threats, every Senate Republican – joined by Democratic Senators Manchin and Sinema – decided that preserving the filibuster was more important than protecting these hardworking individuals.
Add Your Name: I support election workers, condemn the disgusting threats made against them – and demand that lawmakers take action to protect them >>
A September 2021 report identified more than 100 threats of death or violence made against election workers in the wake of the 2020 election. [2] Their stories, like Staci’s, are shocking and appalling.
But this isn’t the only threat that election workers face today. Trump allies in government positions are also going out of their way to intimidate them.
In early 2021, Texas’ attorney general – a devoted Trump loyalist – tried to indict Dana DeBeauvoir, the Travis County Clerk who has served dutifully for 35 years, on petty and unfounded charges. Those charges were dismissed by a grand jury, but Dana had to endure months of worry and uncertainty – and spent $75,000 of her own money on attorneys without knowing it would later be reimbursed. [3]
Patriots like Staci and Dana keep our democracy going. Our lawmakers have an obligation to do everything in their power to protect non-partisan election officials from threats, harassment, and intimidation.
But by letting Mitch McConnell abuse the filibuster once again to block the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act – which included several new and strengthened protections for voters, poll workers, and vote tabulators – senators turned their backs on election workers nationwide.
Add your name if you agree: our senators cannot sit idly by as election workers face relentless harassment and intimidation. They must take immediate action.
With thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Strategies Manager
and the team at Common Cause