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Continuing Our Commitment
Chairman Kyle Hupfer and our Director of Diversity & Engagement, Whitley Yates, pose for a photo with presenters at the first class of the 2022 Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series. 
As you'll read further down in the newsletter, this week, we announced the second class of our Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series. This is an outstanding group of Hoosiers, and I'm excited to get to know them.

For those of you that don't know, this series was born out of my remarks at our state convention in 2018. At that time, I called for action to grow our party and increase minority participation, and I am proud of the progress we've made so far. 

As we have seen recently, Democrats' electoral success is limited more and more to urban communities and college towns. And as these areas continue to grow, it's important that we are committed and engaged to spreading our message of what the promises of limited government and freedom and individual liberty can deliver. 

Democrats have offered empty promises for years. And as we've shown time and time again, we are the party that delivers for all Hoosiers. 

Enjoy this week's newsletter and share it with a friend.


Chairman Kyle Hupfer
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was
Dr. King's Light
On Monday, Governor Holcomb released a message honoring the light, life, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

"Like few others in history before, he took action...bravely and boldly. Carrying a message of love. A message of liberty and of justice for all."

You can listen to his full message by clicking on the video above. 

Last week, Gov. Holcomb spoke at the 31st annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration. You can read more about that here

Recent Statements by Chairman Kyle Hupfer

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Jan. 20, 2022) – Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer released the following statement on the actions taken by the U.S. Senate last night:

"Last Tuesday, Joe Biden labeled millions of Americans who support voter ID laws, including millions of Hoosiers, as 'domestic enemies.'

"That same day, he instructed Senate Democrats to ram through partisan legislation that would federalize Indiana’s elections, eviscerate our common-sense photo ID laws, and send taxpayer dollars to political campaigns. They were even willing to change a centuries-old rule to make it happen. 

"Thankfully, both actions failed last night. 

"Every American has the right to vote and access the ballot – it’s never been easier than it is now. Instead of creating fake hysteria regarding voting, Senate Democrats should be focusing on issues that really matter to all Americans, like inflation and the chaos at the southern border."



INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Jan. 18, 2022) – Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer released the following statement on Cyndi Carrasco filing to seek the Republican nomination for Marion County Prosecutor:

"Under total Democrat leadership, Indianapolis is in the midst of a public safety crisis. Cyndi Carrasco is the right candidate at the right time to bring balance, stability, and strength to the position of Marion County Prosecutor. 

"Cyndi has an impeccable record as a leader in justice and ethics at the state level. And as prosecutor, I am confident that she will bring the much-needed solutions to the public safety issues facing Indianapolis and will work to hold bad actors accountable."



INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Jan. 14, 2022) – Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer released the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision to block Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate:

“I am relieved to see that the Supreme Court has blocked Joe Biden's unconstitutional  vaccine mandate for private businesses. If it had been allowed to go into effect, the mandate would have further weakened our fragile supply chains, kept shelves empty, and worsened our already critical labor shortage. 

"As the general counsel of the RNC, I am proud of our team for filing one of the lawsuits challenging the reckless Biden Administration. We will continue to stand up and fight for workers and businesses.” 


Indiana Republican Party Announces Members of Second Diversity Leadership Series Class

This past Tuesday, we announced the members of the second class of our nationally-recognized Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series, a seminar and leadership training program that will provide the preparation and resources needed to increase the engagement of minority Republican leaders throughout Indiana. 

“With the success of our inaugural class, I’m beyond excited to welcome this outstanding group of Hoosiers to the Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series,” stated Kyle Hupfer, chairman of the Indiana Republican Party. “With their vast range of experience, I know they’ll dive right into the program and position themselves as leaders to make a real difference in their communities.” 

Read the full release and read the biographies of our newest members by clicking the button below.

Read the Full Release
Read the RNC's Coverage
And the Winner is...

We asked you to help use choose Biden's Biggest Blunder of 2021, the only 'BBB' he has to show for after a year in office.

Well, the votes have been tallied and the winner is...


The Southern Border Crisis

Joe Biden has attempted to rescind President Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy, twice. Since then, our southern border has been in complete chaos. According to the latest Customs and Border Protection report, 173,000 illegal immigrants crossed the southwest border in November, more than double the previous record for the month. Moreover, 13, 959 unaccompanied minors were apprehended. 

The December Customs and Border Protection report will likely show the situation worsening. 

2022 Congress of Counites

Registration is open for the Indiana Republican Party's 2022 Congress of Counties!

This two-day training event for Republican Party leaders, candidates, and grassroots activists is scheduled for Friday, February 25 through Saturday, February 26, 2022, at the historic French Lick Resort in French Lick, Ind.

Thankfully, general admission for the event was not impacted by Bidenflation and remains at $100 per person. 

In addition to registering online prior to the event, in-person registration will be available prior to the event on Thursday, February 24 from 2 - 8 p.m. 

You'll want to experience the 2022 Congress of Counties to kick off the election season, meet Indiana’s top Republican elected officials, and learn more about critical election topics to help you and your county party win and keep Indiana on the right track.

The deadline to book a room at our special rate is Friday, Feb. 4. Don't miss out!

Register Now
View the Tentative Agenda
2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention

The 2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention will take place on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at Indiana Farmer's Coliseum in Indianapolis, Ind. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for secretary of state, auditor of state, and treasurer of state.

For hotel accommodation information and delegate counts by county, click the button below.

More Information
Chairman Hupfer's Social Media Highlights
Stay up-to-date on the latest from Chairman Kyle Hupfer by following him on Facebook and Twitter.

This week: Calling out Sen. Elizabeth Warren's economics nonsense and U.S. Senate Democrats' fake hysteria over the filibuster.
Upcoming Republican Events
Saturday, January 29: Rush County Lincoln Day Dinner
Sunday, February 6: The Great Chili Out (Jefferson County)
Friday, February 25 - Saturday, February, 26: 2022 Congress of Counties
Friday, March 4: Hancock County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner
Saturday, March 12: Miami County Lincoln Day Dinner

Submit Your Event

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb encourages students to apply to his STEM team 
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch speaks at the Indiana Farm Bureau Legislative Forum
Treasurer Kelly Mitchell attends the State of the State address
Auditor Tera Klutz announces $3.9 billion state reserve, tax refunds 
Secretary of State Holli Sullivan celebrates a record number of new Hoosier businesses
Attorney General Todd Rokita secures funds on behalf of the Indiana Medicaid program
Senator Todd Young meets with Governor Holcomb
Senator Mike Braun holds event for veterans and active military 
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski celebrates the Supreme Court decision on vaccine mandates
Congressman Jim Banks speaks on the Ingraham Angle
Congressman Jim Baird remembers Martin Luther King Jr.
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz speaks on the Fox News Rundown
Congressman Greg Pence receives the Faith and Freedom's Friend of the Family award
Congressman Larry Bucshon urges lawmakers to address the nation's supply chain issues
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth announces he will not run for re-election
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