View in Browser <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> Geoengineering a Solution to Climate Change, Exploring an Ocean-Based Approach In December 2021, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine (NASEM) released a report <[link removed]> assessing the potential benefits of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal approaches and calling for more research to learn how these methods could help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Please join ConservAmerica on Thursday, February 3 at 11 AM, for an online conversation with Russ George, an environmentalist, and eco-entrepreneur pioneering ocean fertilization, also known as ocean pasture restoration (OPR). As illustrated in the Scientific American depiction below, OPR provides a unique opportunity to sequester tens of millions of tons of blue carbon while simultaneously helping restore fisheries that have suffered from overharvesting. George will give a short presentation on how ocean pasture restoration works, the underlying science behind different ocean-based carbon dioxide removal approaches, and an overview of his 2012 Alaska project, followed by Q&A. Speakers: Russ George is the founder and CEO of US-based OPR World, OPR Alaska, and OPR New England. His career in ocean pasture restoration began 23 years ago at the behest of Canadian energy industry majors who tasked him with creating ‘Carbon Forests’ to offset their carbon footprints. Brent Fewell serves as ConservAmerica’s general counsel and is founder of the Earth & Water Group. His career spans 25 years of experience in public policy, advocacy, and environmental law. REGISTER HERE <[link removed]> <[link removed](0x0:2160x8178):format(webp):no_upscale()/> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> ConservAmerica, 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington DC, United States Powered by Squarespace <[link removed]> Unsubscribe <[link removed]>