Issues & Insights: Cuomo’s many abuses show why the separation of powers matter


During the COVID-19 pandemic, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was breathlessly heralded as “the politician of the moment” and the “authoritative voice in the crisis.”

While we’ve since learned of Cuomo’s abuses such as obscuring nursing home death data and ignoring health experts, Daniel Ortner explains why his scandal demonstrates the perils of arbitrary one-man rule.

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The Hill: The parents were right: Documents show discrimination against Asian American students


The parents were right all along, and now they have the proof.

In the fall of 2020, school board members in Fairfax County, Va., were busily debating how best to racially engineer the admissions process for Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ).

Erin Wilcox and Asra Q. Nomani show how new documents prove that TJ's new admission process was meant to target Asian American students, and school board members knew what they were doing. Yet they voted unanimously in favor of eliminating merit-based, race-blind admissions tests. That is not just wrong — it’s illegal.

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Dissed: Emergency Powers Kindle Emergencies


In 1952, the Supreme Court smacked down President Truman’s attempt to seize the nation’s steel mills. The dissenters—who happened to be Truman’s poker buddies—would have given the president flexibility to deal with this purported emergency, but the majority issued a swift rebuke.

And one justice’s concurrence continues to shape how we think about executive power and emergencies to this day.

Co-hosts Elizabeth Slattery and Anastasia Boden guide you through this must-listen episode of Dissed.

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