Since President Biden stepped into office, the GOP misinformation machine has switched into high gear.
In the face of an ever-improving economy, high job numbers, and zero scandals, Republicans are attempting to hijack the narrative in order to scare moderate voters away from Democrats. So here’s the message we’re working to get out in critical red-to-blue districts to set the record straight:
- President Biden has created 6.4 million jobs in his first year as president – outperforming job growth numbers of the previous four Republican presidents
- Unemployment levels have dropped to 3.9% during the Biden Presidency
- President Biden worked with Democrats to expand Child Tax Credit Payments through the American Rescue Plan, cutting child poverty in half.
The data speaks for itself: President Biden and Democrats in Congress are doing the work to put Americans back on their feet. But unless we mobilize to get this message in front of critical blocks of swing voters in NewDem districts, we risk being drowned out.
Can you contribute $10 to NewDems today to help us fight back against Republican misinformation and win over swing voters in red-to-blue districts ahead of the midterms?
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We may not have Fox News or Tucker Carlson on our side (which is A-OK with us), but we have a grassroots team that we know is strong enough to help us beat back attacks on Democrats in our most vulnerable districts.
Thanks for standing with us,
Team NewDems