
While Beto O’Rourke attempts to gaslight Texans into believing our state needs extremist Left-wing policies, I will be doing all I can to ensure Texas stays RED!

This is a critical Election Year and none of us should be standing by as the Socialists try to re-make Texas and our nation. We can see just how bad their agenda is for our hard-working families from the disastrous results of 2021.

Our founding fathers knew our rights and liberties were unalienable and God-given. They risked their lives to bring us our freedoms, which is why we have to stop Beto before he can strip us of our 2nd Amendment, drive up taxes, and crush Texas energy production!
Texas deserves a leader who represents our Conservative values that make our state great. Someone who will stand up for our 2nd Amendment, work to protect the lives of the unborn, and ensure our state is kept safe from the wave of violent crime and illegal immigration.

We have to take a stand for Texas before Leftists like Beto can destroy all we stand for. Will you pitch in and join the fight to keep the Radical Left from taking over Texas?
For Texas and America,
Beth Van Duyne