The Impact of Title X in Maps - Given the decision this week from the Trump Administration to begin enforcing the domestic gag rule
we're highlighting our map that looks at what would happen if all Title X health centers were eliminated. The Kaiser Family Foundation also released a map illustrating the percent of Title X clinics per state that are Planned Parenthood clinics or provide abortion.
Brookings: Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy: Lessons from the states – The authors review the evidence on policies aimed at preventing unintended pregnancy, with a particular focus on recent state initiatives in Colorado, Delaware, Missouri, Iowa, and Utah to increase access to and information about effective methods of contraception.
Manatt Health: Enhancing Access to Family Planning Services in Medicaid: A Toolkit for States - Important aspects of Medicaid family planning coverage—including eligibility levels, benefits and payment policies—vary by state. This toolkit for states reviews the policy options available to state Medicaid agencies seeking to ensure that Medicaid enrollees have access to the full range of family planning services and supplies. It also provides examples of high-value family planning data analyses that states can undertake to gather baseline and ongoing data about family planning access. The toolkit features Power to Decide’s contraceptive deserts research.
Power to Decide: July Power Player - Meet Joia Crear Perry, MD, President of the National Birth Equity Collaborative. Read how her personal experience led her to this work, the importance of effecting change at the systems level, and more.
Missed out last bulletin? You can read it here. (We didn't publish a June edition)