Incomes dip for South Asia's women home workers as heat rises

Women who make goods like clothing and street food in slum homes are producing less amid baking temperatures and floods, hurting their fragile livelihoods, a survey finds

Facing hormone shortages, South Africa's trans men try black market

As COVID-19 fuels testosterone shortages, some trans men are turning to risky illegal alternatives

In Tonga, a volcano-triggered tsunami underscores islands' acute climate risk

As sea levels continue to rise in coming decades, tsunamis and storm surges will likely be reaching further inland with even more risk of damage

Global energy transition to cause short-term economic pain: report

While investments in clean power technologies will generate jobs, the green shift will also cause a loss of employment and tax revenues in fossil fuel production, says consultancy

'Second-class citizens'? Namibia rules against gay couples

Like Namibia, many other African nations still ban same-sex relationships, with couples risking jail and public shame.

Russia proposes ban on use and mining of cryptocurrencies

The move is the latest in a global cryptocurrency crackdown as governments from Asia to the United States worry that privately operated and highly volatile digital currencies could undermine their control of financial and monetary systems.

Indonesia aims to get mangrove restoration back on track in 2022

Indonesia, which aims to reach carbon neutrality by 2060 or sooner, is also drafting up a regulation to open mangrove restoration for investors to help fund the programme

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