CNN: The Federal Bureau of Investigation said in a statement that it conducted a 'court-authorized' search of the Texas home of Rep. Henry Cuellar, a moderate Democrat.

Jessica Cisneros is the bold progressive running to defeat Henry Cuellar. Voting starts in less than 4 weeks.

Chip in $4 for 4 weeks to Jessica Cisneros' campaign here.

Yesterday, news reports showed the FBI raiding the home and campaign headquarters of Rep. Henry Cuellar, the U.S. House incumbent who is one of the nine Democrats that fought for corporate interests and watered down the Build Back Better bill last summer.

It couldn’t happen to a nicer (corrupt, corporate) guy. Cuellar has a long history of taking thousands from Big Oil and protecting corporate interests.

Jessica Cisneros is the bold progressive running against Cuellar -- in 2020 she came within 4 points of defeating him. Unlike Cuellar, she will fight for climate justice, Medicare for All, reproductive rights, and other progressive priorities.

Believe it or not, voting in this primary begins in just 4 weeks! Can you chip in $4 for 4 weeks to Jessica Cisneros’ campaign today?

Details are still coming out, but CNN reports that the relevant investigators usually handle cases involving elected officials, including campaign finance violation cases.

Cuellar says he's "cooperating" with the FBI investigation -- a contrast to when he worked with Joe Manchin to obstruct the entire Democratic economic agenda.

NBC News' Chuck Todd said yesterday that this is "a very competitive primary. Probably the most competitive there is on the Democratic side."

This race is winnable, and the impact of Jessica's progressive voice in Congress would be huge.

Please contribute $4 for 4 weeks to Jessica Cisneros' campaign and help make her the progressive U.S. representative from TX-28?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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