Do you want to take a stand against the left’s radical pro-abortion agenda?

Fellow Conservative,

Do you support the inherent right to life?

I know I do.

Radicals, like my Democratic opponent, have voted in lockstep with Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer to further their pro-abortion agenda. That includes heinous acts like late-term abortions, which no one in their right mind could defend.

I need you to join my team to help conservatives take back the Senate and stop the radical pro-abortion agenda.

Help our conservative movement by taking my one question survey on abortion:


Fellow Conservative, I know it might seem like a ridiculous question, but this is our chance to send a message to the left that grassroots patriots will take a stand against their radical agenda.

Thank you for joining me in supporting life.


Blake Masters
Republican for U.S. Senate, Arizona

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Paid for by Blake Masters for Senate

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