This isn’t the first time the filibuster has been used to hurt communities of color.


This week, we watched Republicans in Congress weaponize the filibuster to stop us from passing critical voting rights legislation. 

We can’t take this sitting down. Stand with me in my fight for our democracy by making a donation today.

This move by Republicans is a blatant attempt to suppress the vote – especially in Latino, Black, Indigenous, and AAPI communities. And this isn’t the first time the filibuster has been used to hurt communities of color.

President Obama has called the filibuster “a Jim Crow relic” because Senators have historically used it to block civil rights and anti-lynching legislation, and protect racist Jim Crow laws. Today nothing has changed. 

The right to vote for communities like mine and our very democracy are under attack. And we must use every tool at our disposal to fight back. 

I have been a vocal supporter of ending the filibuster, and am fighting alongside progressives in Congress every day. Will you help us spread our message with a $100, $50, or $25 donation?

Thank you,
Chuy García for Congress
137 N. 14TH AVENUE
United States