It's been a bad week for exploitive industries and that's a very good thing
NCOSE, Allies, and DC Citizens Stand Up to the Pressure of "Full Decrim" Efforts ([link removed])
It is rare to come face-to-face with proponents of sexual exploitation, but we did on October 17 when the D.C. Council held a public hearing on a proposal to decriminalize the entire commercial sex industry—including acts of pimping, brothel keeping, and sex buying.
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Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Heinz runs ads on Pornhub, NCOSE takes action, and Heinz pledges change
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Kraft Heinz Pledges No More Porn Site Ads After NCOSE Advocates Speak Out ([link removed])
After individuals from across America reached out to its executives to speak out about their concern, The Kraft Heinz Company is committing to no longer put ads on pornography sites.
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Heinz's 'Food Porn' Ads Funded Sex Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse Pornography ([link removed])
When mainstream companies normalize or partner with the pornography industry they tacitly endorse and fund the sexually exploitive content and messages that the pornography industry produces.
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Get Your Discounted Early Bird Tickets to the 2020 CESE Summit Today! ([link removed])
The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit creates a one-of-a-kind setting, where people from across sexual abuse and exploitation sectors, as well as from a diverse range of professional, political, and personal backgrounds, coalesce to be informed, equipped, connected and inspired. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to find common purpose with others who believe in preserving respect, intimacy, mutuality, responsibility, and love in human sexual relationships.
Come join us as we fight for a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation!
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NCOSE Project Spotlight:
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US
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