
I won’t pretend that last night’s vote wasn’t disappointing. Republicans once again weaponized the filibuster to block Democrats from passing incredibly important legislation to protect voting rights. Legislation that used to be bipartisan.

The filibuster is doing serious damage to our democracy, and it’s limiting our ability not only to protect voting rights, but to get virtually anything done for the American people.

Mitch McConnell promised last year that 100 percent of his focus was on stopping President Biden’s agenda, and last night was yet another example of how he’s abusing the filibuster to do just that. To expand the Supreme Court, to pass climate legislation, to protect voting rights, women’s rights, and to move our country forward, we must eliminate the filibuster.

Add your name to show support for abolishing the filibuster, an undemocratic tool used by McConnell and Republicans to thwart the will of the people.

Allowing a minority of Senators to obstruct any piece of legislation because they simply don’t like it is undemocratic, and all of us pay the price.

We can’t let an arcane procedural rule stop progressive legislation, so we need to organize and build grassroots power to abolish the filibuster and allow us to do our jobs.

Add your name to demand that my Senate colleagues abolish the filibuster so we can make progress on voting rights, climate change, reproductive freedom, Supreme Court reform, and so much more.

I know you might be disappointed, I sure am. But I haven’t lost hope. Thank you for keeping up the fight, and I’m grateful for your support.

— Tina