
Dear supporters,


Our hearts are with the Jewish community after this weekend’s attack at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, where a man held four people hostage for hours.


We feel deeply for this religious community, and stand in solidarity with the families of those held hostage. Defeating anti-Semitism and violent hatred means showing up in moments of crisis and all the moments of conflict before that. Joining forces with allies of different faiths and identities can empower our communities during moments like this, and can chip away at the culture that perpetuates anti-semitic hate.


That is why we are working in partnership with The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, T’ruah, to develop resources and training that show anyone how to support the Jewish community when they witness harm in the form of harassment.


“This horrific incident reminds us once again of the dangerous threat of anti-semitism, which remains ever-present, and can arise from all corner,” said Rabbi Jill Jacobs, CEO of T’ruah. “The only way we will defeat antisemitism and all other forms of bigotry will be to fight hate in multifaith partnerships. We must take the leap of faith and commit to moving forward–all of us, together,” he added.

Our work with T’ruah on adapting materials is still underway, but in response to this moment, we would like to invite you to join us at our next Resilience: This Moment and Beyond training this Friday, January 21, at 2 PM (ET Time).  You can also join our upcoming Bystander Intervention to Stop Hate-Based Harassment, in partnership with the Houston Coalition Against Hate, on January 28, at 1 PM (ET Time).

With love,
