It has been one long year since Joe
Biden was inaugurated as of today, so we wanted to bring you some of
the worst failures from his presidency so far. It is hard to believe,
but the "most popular president in history" has managed to pack not
one, but several, presidency-ending blunders into 365
Inflation has reached crippling
levels for working class Americans. The last time inflation was at 7%
was in 1982. Biden's economy has not been kind to the American People,
and it is a sharp reversal from the growth of the last

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was
an incredible disaster, with thousands of American citizens and allies
stranded in enemy territory and billions of dollars of high tech
equipment falling into the hands of terrorists.?

Millions of illegal immigrants have
flooded into the country since Joe Biden took office and threw open
the borders. Border security was undermined from the very top of the
Administration, with catch and release reinstated and illegals being
flown by the federal government into red states like

Shipping Crisis
Thanks to the Biden
Administration's economic policies, the supply chain has been
crippled, leaving store shelves across the country bare. Ships have
been stranded off the coast, unable to offload their cargo, some major
restaurant chains have had to post signs warning customers of
shortages of certain items.?

Vaccine Mandates
When they found there was no legal
precedent to force vaccine mandates on private businesses, Joe Biden
ordered OSHA to make one up. The order was challenged, going all the
way to the Supreme Court. Last week, the Supreme Court blocked Biden's
vaccine mandate for private businesses, which was a huge win for
freedom loving Americans, and another failure for Joe

Gas Shortages
At the very beginning of his
presidency, Joe Biden began dismantling the energy industry. He killed
the Keystone XL pipeline and paused all oil and gas leasing on federal
lands. To add insult to injury, he lifted sanctions on a pipeline
owned by Russian oligarchs across the world. Since then, gas prices
have soared, with the national average set to hit $4 a gallon this

Parents in Loudoun County Virginia
have already expressed their frustration with their school district
insisting on pushing radical Left doctrines on their students without
parents' consent. Joe Biden's Justice Department decided to respond by
labelling those parents "domestic terrorists." Virginia then went on
to elect Glenn Youngkin, a Republican who ran on supporting parents'
rights to decide their child's education.?

H.R. 1?
H.R. 1 is a bill that would put all
elections under the control of the federal government and eliminate
all voter I.D. laws. It would enshrine into law all of the shady
tactics used in the last election, from same day voter registration to
automatic voter registration. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a
Democrat, voted against the bill after intense pressure from his
constituents. Democrats are now attempting to end the filibuster in an
attempt to ram it through anyway.

Joe Biden has rescinded the Mexico
City policy that banned funding abortions overseas. His HHS Secretary
Xavier Becerra defended his votes supporting partial birth abortions
and refused to rule out using taxpayer dollars for

$1 Trillion Spending
The $1.9 trillion spending bill had
nothing to do with "COVID relief" and everything to do with lining the
pockets of Leftist cronies. Only 9% of the bill will actually be spent
on addressing the China virus directly. Some of it even went to
convicted felons like the Boston Marathon Bomber in the form of a
$1,400 stimulus payment.?

Americans are already fed up with
Joe Biden. After just a year into his presidency, his approval
rating hit an all time low of 33% and his own party is beginning to
turn on him. His prospects for the midterms look bleak, and
some are talking about bringing Hillary Clinton back in 2024, a
supremely unlikeable person herself. Worst of all, the American People
have suffered tremendously in this long year, and there are
three more years left.?
For America,
Restoration PAC
