Hi Friend, Thanks to your support, the Green Party had its best election yet!
We couldn’t have done any of this without your help. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to say thank you. Our success sends a clear message to the other parties that Canadians are fed up with failed climate policies, politics as usual and broken promises. We’re ready for a new era of Canadian leadership, one of decisive climate action, innovative social programs and a renewed democracy. Even a small number of Greens at the table makes a large impact. Just last May, Paul Manly was elected as the second Green MP, and Ottawa took notice. Days after his victory in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith by-election, the Liberal government declared a climate emergency and the other parties were scrambling to cobble together weak climate action plans. Even the Conservatives put climate on their agenda. If the election of one Green MP can make that happen imagine what a team of three MPs can accomplish! Now the real work begins. Thanks to your help, there are more Green voices in parliament than ever before, more voices speaking truth to power, more MPs standing up for Green values, our environment and our future. And our Green caucus is ready to get to work:
With the support of more than a million Canadians, your Green team will be more effective than ever as they hold the other parties accountable for their campaign promises. Canadians have given the Green party an incredible opportunity; let’s make the most of it together! In solidarity and action, Sarah Macdonell PS. Make sure to follow your new Green team on twitter: |